Wednesday, March 11, 2009's been a while. We 've been super busy, but I really want to try to keep up with this so here goes...

Madi is doing awesome! (Pic is her with her buddy Tanner - she's making her "old man face") She will be 5 months old on Saturday! I can't believe it's been that long! It really does feel like just yesterday that I was - as Jonathan says- as big as a bus! (Yes, he actually said that) She is discovering new things every day and we are enjoying every minute of it. She now rolls over all over the place, front to back, back to front, repeat...She laughs out loud - awesome!!! She eats cereal and fruits and veggies and she shows much appreciation for this...mmmmmmm... Hopefully our little Madi cakes will be crawling soon but for now she makes her way around pretty darn well, often to the astonishment of her parents. We put her on the tummy time mat, 2 minutes later she's on the other side of the room through a series of army crawls and rolls - quite interesting to watch, actually.
On the fitness front, Jonathan has been getting up before the roosters to work out before work every morning and doing very well with it. I have been going to Zumba (dance aerobics on speed). It is really fun and exhausting, but mostly I'm just still trying to figure out how to make my feet move as fast as the instructor (we call her the energizer bunny on speed). I wish I looked like her! Maybe someday...

I have a busy two months ahead of me. I am going to school to get my teaching certificate! I am really excited about it and will be getting my certification to teach 4th-8th grade, although I am hoping to get a job teaching 4th or 5th grade. Everyone keep me in your prayers for passing my Texes (content exam) on April 1st and getting a job! Until then, class starts Saturday!

Bye for now! Love to all!!! Another pic for the road...