Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas and Madi's First Professional Pics

Well, it's been a while since I've posted and a lot has happened so I will try to keep it short and sweet. I went back to work at the end of November, only 6 weeks after Madi's birth. :( It was very hard to go back, but I am doing better with it now. Madi is growing up so fast and I feel like I am missing out on some things, but hopefully one day I will be able to cut back or stay home. Only time will tell...For now, I am just enjoying the time I get with her and making every moment count. She is truly a great baby and she has really blessed us beyond words.

Madi has recently started smiling which is the best feeling ever! We love playing with her and trying to make her smile...and knowing it's not just gas, she is actually responding to us, it's awesome!!!

Christmas - On Christmas eve we went to Jonathan's parents house and opened a few of our presents and visited with them. They gave us a new digital video camera, so expect videos on here if I can figure it out! :) Then we went to my sister, Angie's house to spend time with them on Christmas Day. Madi slept most of the day, but I opened her presents for her and she really cleaned up! Everyone got her lots of fun toys and cute clothes! She had lots of fun once she finally woke up! Then, it was back to Jonathan's parents' house to finish up Christmas with them and his brother, Jordan and his girlfriend Jessica. Madi got some fun presents from them too - lots of toys! She will have lots of fun exploring all of them in the months to come! Thanks everyone!
Professional Pictures - We took Madi to Portrait Innovations today for her first professional pics. She was actually awake the whole time and in a good mood, so all in all a good first experience. She refused to smile and instead gave the lady some stern looks. But, the pictures still turned out really cute...I'm including my favorite one here.

I better get to sleep, gotta sleep while she is, you know... I will post again soon and keep you up-to-date on her new developments.

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